August 21st, 2019 Annual Meeting
Meeting Minutes
- Meeting Time: 7:05 to 8:17
- Glick Family Center, 71st and Michigan
- Members Present: Tom Rohn, Demetria Bell, Bruce Campbell
- Lots present: 14 (9 in person, 5 by proxy.
Discussion Topics:
- -Need to hire new lawyer to regularize mandatory status of HOA
- -Not putting in speed bumps
- -Location of new welcome signs on Bancaster
Results of Votes:
- Approve Budget--Pass (unanimously)
- Clarify timing of dues --Pass (unanimously)
- Vote to consolidate bank accounts--Pass (unanimously)
- Reduction to one meeting/year --Pass, with amendment that a 10% quorum is necessary (13-1)
- Sheds allowed with Arch. Comm. approval--Pass (unanimously)
- Change annual meeting to Aug--Pass (unanimously)
- Hire collections agency for non-paying members--Fail (unanimously)
- Election of New Board Members:
- President--Bruce Campbell, until 2022
- Treasurer--Elyse Bernstein, until 2022
- Architectural Committee Char--Paul Bernstein, until 2022
- Secretary--Vacant
- Vice-President--Demetria Bell, until 2022
- At Large Member #1--Dorothy Dodd, until 2022
- At Large Member #2--Paul Davis, until 2022